CS Invm Fds 6 - Credit Suisse (Lux) China RMB Credit Bond Fund B USD

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Storico dei rendimenti31/08/2024
Crescita di 1000 (EUR) Grafico Interattivo
CS Invm Fds 6 - Credit Suisse (Lux) China RMB Credit Bond Fund B USD
 USD 112,780
Var.Ultima Quotazione 0,30%
Categoria Morningstar™ Obbligazionari RMB - Onshore
Categoria Assogestioni -
Isin LU1577534362
Fund Size (Mil)
 CNH 386,12
Share Class Size (Mil)
 USD 5,07
Entrata (max) 5,00%
Spese correnti
Obiettivo d'Investimento Dichiarato: CS Invm Fds 6 - Credit Suisse (Lux) China RMB Credit Bond Fund B USD
The investment objective of the Subfund is to achieve a return in excess of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) debt market by investing primarily in Onshore Renminbi denominated debt securities issued by corporate, government and quasigovernment institutions having their head office, or conducting a significant part of their business, in the PRC and which are traded on the two official exchanges in the PRC (the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Securities Exchange) or on the China interbank bond market (the “Onshore Debt Securities”). This Subfund aims to outperform the return of the ChinaBond New Composite Benchmark. The Subfund is actively managed. The Benchmark is used as a reference point for portfolio construction and as a basis for setting risk constraints, and/or for Performance Fee measurement purposes. The majority of the Subfund’s exposure to bonds will be components of or have weightings derived from the Benchmark.
Rendimenti % (EUR)
Rendimenti % (EUR)05/09/2024
3-Anni Ann.ti0,30
5-Anni Ann.ti1,77
10-Anni Ann.ti-
Nome del Gestore
Inizio Gestione
Peijiao Yu
Stephen Zhu
Data di Partenza
Benchmark DichiaratoIndice di Categoria Morningstar
ChinaBond New Composite TR CNYMarkit iBoxx ALBI China Onshore TR CNY
Target Market
Role In Portfolio
Standalone / CoreNon specifico
ComponentNon specifico
AltroNon specifico
Primary Objective
ConservazioneNon specifico
HedgingNon specifico
AltroNon specifico
Composizione del Fondo  CS Invm Fds 6 - Credit Suisse (Lux) China RMB Credit Bond Fund B USD-
Primi 5 Titoli%
Dati Non Disponibili
Reddito Fisso
Maturity effettiva-
Duration Effettiva-
Morningstar Style Box®
Reddito Fisso
Asset Allocation
  % Lunga% Corta% Netta


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